FoxxyFit Pole & Burlesque

Stretch Workshop
with Naomi

May 9 (Tuesday)
at 8:15 pm

Class length
60 minutes

St. George Studio - 511 East Saint George Blvd Unit F

Stretching is a key foundation for every form of exercise. It keeps the body limber and helps prevent injury. It also is its own form of discipline - such as the art of yoga & contortion!

Stretching can unlock new ways to explore and push one's body. This workshop aims to help you delve into the world of flexibility by working through postures to open the body as well as conditioning exercises to help strengthen your stretching muscles! 

Expect to, well, stretch! There are no prerequisites but be prepared to hold various stretches. The class will mostly focus on opening up the hips and the back. We will be on the floor so knee pads are recommended but not required
