FoxxyFit Pole & Burlesque

Yoga Twerkout (St. George)
with Zussette

July 18 (Monday)
at 7:45 pm

Class length
60 minutes

St. George Studio - 511 East Saint George Blvd Unit F

Welcome to your pelvic awakening! In this class we will merge twerking and flexi floor work into yoga. 

Why twerk-out yoga? 

Whether we want to admit or not we all can learn to love and appreciate a good twerk (ass clapping). Over the years twerking has become a sensational part of many types of dances. It builds empowerment, pushing you out of your comfort zone, while improving 

your self-esteem regardless of the body shape, and size. You will engage in a all over bodyography in a provocative manner, involving booty claps, booty tik-toks, fish-flops, windmills, helicopters, hip thrusts, stretching, back rolls, twerk splits, basic shoulder stands, low-squatting stance (hello yoga) and more. In addition, floor work will be introduced as we move forward with classes. Floor work has organically become a part twerk, yoga and of course - pole dancing. This class will prepare, enhance, and build  your flexibility, strength, and resilience moving forward with any future fitness classes you participate in.


On a statistical side, twerking actually burns more calories than yoga by itself. This class will also help improve your stamina.

What to bring

- H20! Keeping you Hydrated is vital. 

- Leggings and/or knee pads. For the first couple of classes knee pads are highly recommended. 

Your safety comes first

If you have any recent or even past surgeries that may interfere with your mobility, or a medical provider has recommended you avoid participating in any strenuous activity that could lead to permanent body injuries, please let us know before the start of class. I will find ways to modify the moves for you. I want each and everyone one of you to be successful and to proceed with participating in class with the appropriate standard recommendations from your PCP.
